Consumer prototype first drive!

 CBS Detroit 

Edison2 Unveils New Super-MPG Car At The Henry Ford

DEARBORN — Finally, a 21st Century car that really looks like it came from the 21st Century.

The venue was appropriate. The Henry Ford is a shrine to American innovation, and the Edison2 is packed with innovation from stem to stern.

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A Day At The Track

Tuesday we took the Very Light Car to the new North Carolina Manufacturer Proving Grounds – so new they are still building the road to the facility. In fact, we were their very first customer.

In the end the X Prize is all about fuel economy. Performance, emissions and safety are all factors, but it is first and foremost about fuel economy. We must meet or exceed 100 mpg based, in part, on the EPA fuel economy testing standards.  Since we cannot at this time duplicate the actual EPA drive cycle, we decided to compare the VLC to a car with known EPA values, a VW diesel Jetta. Basically we carefully filled and refilled each vehicle, weighing the gas can before and after different driving tests to know exactly how much fuel was used over a measured distance. This allowed us accuracy to 0.1 ounce.

The results showed us to be right where we hoped to be. The Jetta used between 2.5 and 3 times as much fuel as the VLC (the same one we took to the Detroit Auto Show – remember we are entered in the mainstream class and both alternative classes, with a total of 5 cars). At higher speeds this difference was more pronounced. The driving was spirited and the speeds were often right at the limit of what the Jetta could do, tires squealing in situations that the VLC handled without complaint.

With what we saw Tuesday we think we can meet the efficiency and performance goals, and there are still numerous improvements to be made between now and the competition. And Tuesday’s testing was with the least efficient and least powerful of our engines.

The best is yet to come. 


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Reader Comments (1)

I'm already impressed. You're on the forefront to win PIAXP! If you will do it, mass production seems to be rather obvious fruit of the victory?!

March 25, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMatt

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