I am taking stock of my business card collection. It has an astonishing number of presidents and CEO’s. Only here, at the Detroit Auto Show, would these powerful and busy people engage in a conversation. These smart, experienced people are taking note of what we are doing. A giant from the world of aviation stopped by, got what we are doing and reinforced that we nailed the aerodynamics 100%. When I told him about Barnaby (Barnaby Wainfan, our Chief of Aerodynamics) he said he expected someone like that.
Yesterday was an industry day. It is the day when you can find out what a metal stamping company can actually do and what they cannot. The day you can begin to get a small idea of what something might cost. You find out about the real engineering talent on some people’s staff. You meet some of the people who actually make things happen in this field. Today will be more of that.
We are learning a lot here, and meeting a lot of people. Most people do not quite get it, but if they do they really do.
The best part is when someone comes back with someone else to show them what we are doing. - Oliver